Treat yourself to a journey through time and immerse yourself in the Romantic era in Paris!

Treat yourself to a journey through time and immerse yourself in the Romantic era in Paris!

If you're looking to escape the frenetic hustle and bustle of Paris, the Museum of the Romantic life presents itself as an essential haven of peace. Nestled within the home of the painter Ary Scheffer, this picturesque enclave transports you to the heart of the artistic fervor of Parisian Romanticism, offering a refuge where time seems to stand still.

Built in 1830, the house still exudes its old-world charm, inviting you to immerse yourself in the elegant and tranquil atmosphere of the Romantic era. Every corner resonates with the spirit of the great artists who once frequented these halls. And to prolong this enchanted getaway, the tea salon, nestled in the beautiful garden of the house, invites you to pause, where you can savor the moment feeling like privileged guests of the painters who have left their mark on the history of Romantic art.

Furthermore, access to the museum and its permanent exhibition is completely free, a boon for those seeking immersion in Romantic Life in Paris. An opportunity not to be missed to imbibe the very essence of this captivating era.

For those wishing to delve further into the exploration of Romanticism, the current temporary exhibition, "Géricault's Horses," offers an equally captivating experience. Through five thematic sections, it plunges us into the fascinating world of Théodore Géricault, exploring his passion for horses and his remarkable artistic evolution.

From his beginnings as a talented copyist to his bold experiments in Rome and London, each stage of Géricault's life is revealed through his striking works. And at the heart of this exploration, the representation of the death of the horse reminds us of the fragility of life and the depth of the artist's attachment to these noble animals.

Between the enchanting atmosphere of the Museum of Romantic Life, its free access, and the captivating exhibition on Géricault's Horses, a unique experience awaits you, blending history, art, and emotion.

If you're staying at Hotel Moderniste, you can take metro line 12 at Convention station to Pigalle station !  

Until September 15th. Open every day except on Monday from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Photo ©Jean Louis Mazieres - flickr

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