Naturally Fair at Exhibition Center Paris Porte de Versailles

Naturally Fair at Exhibition Center Paris Porte de Versailles

Discover the Naturally Fair at Porte de Versailles: A Major Event Celebrating Nature and Well-being

From June 7 to 10, the Paris Expo Center at Porte de Versailles will host a new edition of the Naturally Fair, a major event dedicated to celebrating nature and well-being. Located just a few minutes from the Hôtel Moderniste, this fair is a unique opportunity to discover the latest trends in the world of organic and natural products.

A Showcase for Organic and Natural Products

With over 150 exhibitors, the Naturally Fair highlights a wide range of organic and natural products, as well as gentle therapies that enhance our daily lives. You will discover innovations in health, well-being, and much more.

Activities and Conferences for Everyone

The fair also offers numerous activities to introduce you to an ethical and healthy lifestyle. Conferences on health, ecology, and personal development, as well as discovery workshops, will allow you to test new products and acquire new skills.

An Enriching Thematic Journey

The fair is organized into different thematic sectors:

  • The Ethical Market: Discover a selection of eco-friendly decorative items, fashion accessories, and clothing.
  • Organic Food: Explore organic food products, superfoods, and kitchen equipment.
  • Natural Well-being: Beauty, body and mind care, personal development.
  • Local Market: Food products and artisanal creations from the Île-de-France region.
  • Proximity Ecology: Citizen initiatives, ecological associations, solidarity organizations.
  • Home and Lifestyle: Products for the garden, zero-waste solutions.

All exhibitors adhere to a charter guaranteeing ecological and environmentally respectful production.

Practical Information

The fair map and a complete list of exhibitors are available on the official Naturally Fair website. Take advantage of the Hôtel Moderniste's proximity to fully immerse yourself in this unique event dedicated to nature and well-being.

What are you waiting for ? Plan your visit at Porte de Versailles to celebrate nature!

Friday, June 7, Saturday, June 8, Sunday, June 9: 10:30 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday, June 10, 2023: 10:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Only a 5-minute walk from the Hôtel Moderniste

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