La Cabane 47 : restaurant décontractée dans le 15e arrondissement

La Cabane 47 : restaurant décontractée dans le 15e arrondissement

Nestled in the lively Grenelle district in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, La Cabane 47 invites you to experience its cozy and warm ambiance. Whether it’s for a professional cocktail, a birthday celebration, or a simple meal with friends, this neighborhood bar offers a friendly setting that will charm you. Located near the La Motte-Picquet Grenelle station, it is easily accessible from the Hotel Moderniste via metro line 8 at Boucicaut station or bus 80.

A Haven for Hamburger Lovers

If you are a fan of hamburgers, La Cabane 47 will not disappoint! You can enjoy generous, fresh, and delicious homemade hamburgers that will delight your taste buds.

A Venue for All Your Occasions

Whether you want to organize an informal meeting, celebrate a birthday, or simply gather with friends, this establishment will meet all your expectations. Its welcoming and smiling team is at your service to ensure the success of your event. You can reserve a few tables or even privatize one of the three available spaces, accommodating up to 80 people. In a convivial atmosphere, you can enjoy tapas, cheese and charcuterie boards à la carte to satisfy your small appetites.

Enjoy the Outdoors on the Terrace

To make the most of sunny days, in addition to its cozy interior, La Cabane 47 also has a terrace where you can enjoy the sun while sipping cocktails and savoring tapas. Whether for a sunny lunch or an evening out, this terrace is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the lively neighborhood atmosphere.

Open from Monday to Saturday, lunch and dinner. Just 20 minutes by public transport or a 30-minute walk from the Hotel Moderniste.


Photo ©Dan Gold - Unsplash

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