Discover the Galerie Marguerite : An Artistic Oasis in the Heart of Paris

Discover the Galerie Marguerite : An Artistic Oasis in the Heart of Paris

A few steps away from the Hotel Moderniste, in the heart of the 15th arrondissement of Paris, lies a treasure for lovers of fine craftsmanship: Galerie Marguerite.

We met with the founder, Frédérique Pelisse, who has a mission to showcase French artisans through unique pieces created in small series.

In the universe of Galerie Marguerite, boldness meets harmony, and originality is the key word. Each exhibited piece is the result of exceptional craftsmanship, where materials such as clay, textile, paper, glass, and many others are transformed into unique works of art. Whether to embellish your home or to offer an authentic gift from a professional artist's workshop, Galerie Marguerite offers a carefully chosen selection to brighten your daily life.

Each object is the result of the meticulous work of a professional artist, highlighting often overlooked artisanal trades. For this reason, each artist and their story are at the center of every project and presented to visitors.

As for Frédérique Pelisse, the founder of Galerie Marguerite, she has turned her passion for decoration into a true profession. After a career in Human Resources, she decided to bring her project to life by creating a place where authenticity and uniqueness reign. The gallery has thus become a reflection of five values dear to her heart: authenticity, uniqueness, inspiration, proximity, and delicacy.

Behind every object displayed at Galerie Marguerite lies a story, a encounter. Frédérique has forged connections with talented artists, offering them a showcase to exhibit their unique creations. The gallery has thus become a place of discoveries and encounters, where everyone can come to admire the work of artists and engage with them.

Galerie Marguerite takes its name from a blooming and joyful flower: the daisy. This choice is not insignificant, as it reflects Frédérique Pelisse's desire to create a place where beauty and poetry are omnipresent. Today, the gallery flourishes in the Parisian artistic landscape, gathering a loyal and passionate clientele.

And if you are staying at the hotel Moderniste and wish to buy a souvenir for your loved ones, at Galerie Marguerite, you will find what you need to surprise them with an authentic and charming gift, reflecting French creativity. Whether it's a ceramic, an engraving, a piece of jewelry, or simply an illustration of a Parisian street, you will find what you are looking for! And there's something for every budget!

Whether you are passionate about art or simply seeking beautiful discoveries, Galerie Marguerite opens its doors to you by appointment!

Feel free to visit the official website to discover the pieces presented! They are also available for purchase!

Photo ©Galerie Marguerite

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