
"A night under the Full moon" at the Paris Exhibition Center Porte de Versailles

The Paris Expo Center at the Porte de Versailles, presents “A Night Under the Full Moon”, a unique immersive exhibition not to be missed. 

Directed by François de Riberolles in cooperation with Lucid Realities and Camera Lucida, the exhibition explores the intimate relationship between the Earth and the Moon over time.

The theme of the moon's influence on nature is treated with depth and delicacy. Visitors are invited to question the grandeur of the universe and at the same time their intimacy.

What is man's place in this enormous celestial dance? And to what extent does the moon influence our lives? These are only two of the questions that this exhibition tries to answer in mythology, collective imagination and the history of our existence. 

All of this is represented in a film projected in the JAM Capsule space, which offers you the possibility of completely immersing yourself in this universe and being part of the creation itself. 

An experience not to be missed, especially if you stay at the Modernist Hotel, located five minutes' walk from the Porte de Versailles.

From the 17/02/2023 to the 04/03/2023. 

Photo ©CHUTTERSNAP - Unsplash

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